“ESP” led clairvoyant to Subway girl… good Samaritan even helped police track down culprits…
ABOVE PHOTO: LOOKOUT CRIMINALS! Jody Ashkenazi (on the left) fell out of the sky like a tornado and paranormal justice followed with him…
SOUTH YARMOUTH – Jody Ashkenazi says it was ESP which led him to check in on a girl working behind the counter at a nearby sandwich shop last evening.
Ashkenazi was visiting a friend working at a nearby store when he saw “something fleet by,” immediately sensing something was wrong with the girl working at the neighboring Subway sandwich shop.
According to Ashkenazi, he possesses “extreme ESP” powers and he suddenly became overcome with a heavy feeling something was wrong.
“My ESP felt her pain,” said Ashkenazi.
Moments earlier, Ashkenazi had observed two young males lurking outside the sandwich shop. One went inside as if to order a sandwich, while the other waited in the shadows a few doors away.
The young man that entered had ordered up a sandwich with all the fixings, only to grab it and run away without paying. Ashkenazi had no way of knowing this had just occurred because he was in the shop next door. But he couldn’t shake off the strong feelings something was wrong with the girl making the sandwiches – a girl who had been a complete stranger up that point.
Ashkenazi told HN he is proud man who is compelled to do good, which is why he couldn’t overcome the need to at least go in and speak with the Subway girl.
So, he entered and found her alone hard at work behind the counter as if nothing had happened… which he initially found strange because his ESP is usually very accurate. But when he asked her if she was okay, that’s when she “burst into tears,” according to Ashkenazi.
The thieves were long gone and probably wolfing down the sandwich she had just prepared… but Ashkenazi felt it important to coach her through what she needed to do next. She was visibly shaken up and he calmed her down by telling her she was safe now… that she needed to call 911 and tell the police what had just happened… that everything would be alright.
While waiting for cops, the two made small talk about the colleges she was interested in…
Police arrived and took the report… but other than the witness statements, they had very little else to go on.
HN was driving back toward HyTown and just about crossing the town line when Mr. Ashkenazi alerted police and pulled off his second good deed of the evening. According to radio traffic, he was secretly following two young males he believed to be the culprits in the earlier sandwich heist.
Yarmouth patrol officers converged on the area, met up with Ashkenazi, and told him they would take over from that point. Ashkenazi remained nearby to ensure they didn’t need further assistance when officers detained both suspects on the Bass River Bridge, the town line between Yarmouth and Dennis.
The young men initially tried to deny their involvement, but the experienced officers were able to cut directly to the heart of the matter in a way which commanded respect and informed they would not tolerate lies. The suspects quickly admitted their misdeed and officers decided to summon them in to court, according to radio chatter.
At least one of the young men is looking at a misdemeanor larceny of a sandwich beef. There are more serious crimes going on all day, but this perhaps taught the two young men the lesson, “Never mess with the sandwich girl because we will track you down using whatever means necessary!”
Lets hope so…
As for the evidence, police have strong leads as to its whereabouts…
Aside from that, arresting officers were unable to release the type of sandwich, and whether it was 6 inch or “footlong…”
According to our earlier conversation, Jody Ashkenazi had a strong feeling it was a “footlong…”
… and based on tonight’s happenings, who am I to doubt?
Case closed.
(Thank you Mr. Jody Ashkenazi! You did a well tonight.)
Robert Bastille,
P.S. – Today’s HyTown Vignette is brought to you by Jim Croce… [Press play and just say “hey…” ]
BONUS PHOTOS: HN’s Seal of the Day lounging near HyPort!
…and check out the size of this old fella spotted way WAY out there off of HyannisPort!
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