WAR-WEARY: Firefighters hustle to save two men overdosing inside Hyannis residence… [HN PHOTOS]
HYANNIS – [HN NOTES] – Barnstable Police and Hyannis Firefighters rushed toward a Hyannis residence for an unresponsive man overdosing this afternoon. While en-route they learned a second man inside the residence was also overdosing and unresponsive. Both patients sounded to be experiencing agonal breathing, according to radio transmissions. An additional ambulance along with a fire engine started toward the scene. Additional police officers also headed in that direction.
Police arrived within minutes, as did the first ambulance. It took some work but both patients were still breathing prior to being transported to Cape Cod Hospital. They were not out of the woods yet as the drugs out there right now are especially potent and once the Narcan wears off, patients often find themselves overdosing again.
We are seeing an uptick in overdoses and the word on the street is that it has been “wild” out there lately, according to one local expert who works to save lives.
On scene, HN shared a look with a veteran paramedic as he was grabbing additional equipment from the ambulance, today’s double overdose reminded us of the days when the heroin/Fentanyl epidemic was at its worst. I mentioned, and we both recalled the address of one scene years ago where three young people all overdosed at the same time – one young woman did not survive. Those were the bad days. I mumbled something like, ‘I hope we’re not going back to those days.’ The paramedic frowned and shook his head, as if remembering and fearing the same thing I was.
P.S. – Today’s Hytown Vignette is a brought to you by Erik Satie… [CLICK IT/CRANK IT!]