HOMELESS HUFFING hits Osterville mean streets… [EMERGENCY AUDIO]
OSTERVILLE – As you will hear in the following video, Barnstable Police and COMM Rescue needed to rush to Main Street for what was described as a homeless Hyannis man down next to a bicycle and aerosol can, in what was also described as a possible huffing incident…
As you will also hear in the following emergency audio, the 52-year-old patient initially gave officers the wrong name, but eventually told officers his real name, adding that he was homeless in Hyannis…
A police computer check revealed the stricken man had recently been arrested for inhaling toxic vapors this past December. He was taken into protective custody and transported back to Barnstable Police Headquarters….
… this all according to the following Barnstable Police and COMM FD radio transmissions…
[EMERGENCY AUDIO – Press play]
The following brief documentary outlines the dangers of huffing….
[Press play]