Judge Kirkman has “high apple pie in the sky hopes” for Little Ant…
Barnstable Village – “Pocket change…”
… is the bail Judge Kirkman imposed on Anthony “Little Ant” Russ last week.
Yes, you heard it here first, Anthony “Little Ant” Russ is free once again to do what he does best… rack up his signature brand of Little Ant crimes while putting everyone else in Hyannis in fear for their lives for ever daring to consider to inform on or cross him.
Meanwhile, I doubt Judge J. Thomas Kirkman lives anywhere near HyTown, with its reputation as the Commonwealth’s most violent seaside community with a yacht club. Yeah Hytown, the ‘Old Cape Cod Hub’ that has Patti “if-you’re-fond-of-sand-dunes” Page rolling in her recently covered grave.
I doubt Judge Kirkman lives in fear of .45 caliber slugs ripping through the walls of his home, barely missing him and his children playing nearby…
I doubt Judge Kirkman ever has to worry about reviving his overdosed heroin addicted loved ones gasping for another breath of life giving air, unconscious on his living room oriental… suffering from too much Little Ant heroin…
I doubt Judge J. Thomas Kirkman needs to worry about being beaten up by an angry Little Ant with a well known propensity for violence, as he just tries to safely do his job as a law enforcement officer…
No, I doubt Judge J. Thomas Kirkman has a lick of common sense or even “gets it.” Why? Because Judge Kirkman naively turned down the Commonwealth’s recommendation to hold the out of control repeat serial offender “Little Ant” on $100,000 cash bail. Instead, he said a measly $10,000 was more like it (along with a verbal “bail warning”… yeah okay)…
… at which point, Little Ant’s girlfriend (or affectionate secret admirer) reportedly smiled, walked outside, then moments later… she and a few others walked back in and split the money up so nobody could link it to her or Russ… plunking down $10K as if she was paying for a value meal on sale at the local BK Lounge.
$10K? Really? $10K is what this pesky Little Ant makes in a week selling mass amounts of heroin and cocaine…
And now our most dangerous and notorious Little Ant is back on the streets of HyTown, likely fishing for any and all informants who “did him like that…”
… and ‘there will be blood.’
Hopefully not, but given Little Ant’s track record, I’m betting on blood.
Click here for a brief review of Little Ant’s life of crime… The Misadventures of Little Ant…
Judge J. Thomas Kirkman, definitely not of HyTown, “the hood,” The Village, The Little Combat Zone with a Yacht Club… has basically given Little Ant a free pass to go on a fishing expedition to look for suspected informants.
And what is Little Ant’s M.O.? It’s not that complicated and could be perpetrated by just about any misguided little psychopath.. it basically involves standing outside of a residence, any residence, it doesn’t matter if Little Ant is actually 100% sure that the fleshy humans, which may include young children, inside are actually his intended target…. it involves Little Ant Russ taking a very powerful semi-automatic handgun, probably a .45 or .40 and unloading a clip into the home from outside… then speeding away… and then threatening anyone who he deems a threat to inform on him… it’s the “vicious Little Ant cycle of death.”
And aside from Little Ant, who will we blame for this insanity, this “cycle of death…” God forbid it ever comes to pass? The Barnstable Police? The prosecutors for the Commonwealth? The brave informants who have had enough and come forward?
(I’ll say no more and let you be the Judge… Lord knows someone has to be the Judge, as the ones we currenty have seem to be recklessly dropping the ball…)
Let’s just hope nothing happens…
Let’s just hope that all HyTown’s youth make it home safely in the days to come…
Because we wouldn’t want to dash Judge J. Thomas Kirkman’s “high apple pie in the sky hopes” that Anthony “Little Ant” Russ suddenly turns into a Gandhi-like pacifist Roman Catholic alter boy…
… yeah, lets hope and pray for the latter… lets hope that Judge Kirkman’s “high hopes” are right!
… but don’t hold your breath.
Robert Bastille, Hyannis News