“Impeach Obama…”
Hyannis – Laura and Will prefer sidewalks near grocery stores because everybody needs to eat…
… and Shaws on West Main Street has a steady stream of hungry and not-so-hungry passersby.
So they set up their umbrella and table with pamphlets, fliers, and sign-up sheets in the scorching heat…
… as well as several large posters of President Obama wearing a Hitler mustache…
… Obama, according to them a proponent of Nazi-like death panels… they would like to see him impeached.
Young Laura and Will are volunteers for what is known as the LaRouche Political Action Committee (LaRouche PAC or LPAC), an organization initiated by controversial American political figure Lyndon LaRouche.
Since 2009, in reaction to Obama’s health care reform, LPAC members have been noted for posters which depict Obama with a Hitler-style mustache… asking pedestrians things like “Do you want to stop Obama from killing people?”
During the discussion of U.S. health care reform, Lyndon LaRouche took exception to government health care boards possibly making life-and-death decisions for patients based on cost-effectiveness criteria.
LaRouche later compared the proposed health care boards to “Action T4,” the Nazis’ euthanasia program…
However, LaRouche’s controversial use of Nazi imagery has been criticized for instigating sometimes violent responses from offended pedestrians.
Strangely, LaRouche fancies himself a Democrat… and conservative Obama critics like the Tea Party find his methods and messages too extreme… and often trivial.
But in my brief conversation with Laura and Will, I learned they are dedicated disciples of their “cause…” flexing their First Amendment Right to Free Speech.
Good for them… (I may not agree with their message)… but good for them. As far as I could see, they were peacefully and lawfully exercising their rights.
… but today not everyone was enthusiastic about their presence. According to a police dispatch transmission, the manager of the Shaws supermarket called stating their signs were somehow redirecting unwelcomed traffic into the Shaws parking lot. Police investigated and determined this was not the case. That the signs were no different than when they had originally set up earlier in the day…
Hyannis News also responded to the scene later in the afternoon and found the Shaws parking lot less than half full… one would think any store manager worth their weight in saltine crackers would welcome the extra cars in their halfway empty parking lot… (but then again, what do I know about groceries… other than the fact I consume them regularly in my attempts to stave off conditions like anorexia… I think it’s safe to say I won that battle… but I digress.)
It is also important to note that some people enjoyed Laura and Will’s presence, evident by waves and honking of horns… possibly getting a kick out of their shocking signage… possibly identifying and agreeing with the anti-Obama message to some degree…
But here’s the point:
For some of us, a brilliant document such as the U.S. Constitution is one of the few things we will rightfully be able to claim entitlement to in this world.
That is why it is always refreshing to see young people peacefully exercising their rights by expressing their opinions.
Whether “Democrat,” “Republican,” “Independent,” “Liberal,” “Conservative,” or whatever… I wish more young adults would freely read, challenge, question, and learn a wide range of conventional and not-so-conventional viewpoints, learning how to peacefully and lawfully take a stand for what they believe at this stage in their lives.
It’s the one single thing that makes the United States of America so exceptional and great.
Robert Bastille, HyannisNews.com
P.S. Stand. [press play]