Are “Anthony Weiner moments” on the rise?
Hyannis – Just when you try to write an article about the heartbreaking circumstances and plight of the unfortunate Hyannis homeless, some well-known ‘street person’ gets accused of pulling his pants down…
… but try not to let this article destroy your faith in the upstanding integrity of the local homeless community.
Here are the sordid details:
Shortly after 10:30am Barnstable Police received a report that a man named “Bill” exposed himself to two young women in the downtown area. Barnstable bike patrol officers, along with an unmarked unit quickly responded to gather information and search for the suspect.
A description was given out as officers stopped and spoke to one local pedestrian that closely fit the bill (no pun intended). No dice… Police quickly learned he was not involved. The false suspect, a longtime native of Hyannis, told Hyannis News that police were looking for someone who just dropped his drawers and exposed himself to a couple women.
Bike Officers “Gino” Desruisseaux and Puntonio quickly tracked-down the actual suspect in front of Colombo’s Cafe & Pastries on Main Street. Lieutenant Dave Cameron and Officer Brian Morrison joined them shortly thereafter.
As Officer Puntonio and Lieutenant Cameron questioned “Bill,” Officer Desruisseaux spoke with the young female victims, who arrived on scene to identify the suspect.
Once properly identified, Officers had enough credible information and probable cause to effect an arrest…
The suspect, “Bill,” a homeless man known to stay at the Noah Shelter or to occasionally “camp” in the woods, was handcuffed and placed in a squad car. He was transported to Barnstable Police Headquarters where he will be charged with “open and gross lewdness and lascivious behavior.”
Prosecutors will need to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that “Bill” intentionally exposed his genitals or buttocks to one or more victims, did so openly or recklessly, and caused shock or distress to the unwilling witnesses…
… according to witnesses, it doesn’t look good for Bill.
If convicted of this felony, “Bill” could face imprisonment in a state prison for up to three years, or in jail time for up to two years, or a fine of up to $300. (This being Barnstable, where the Judges are more ‘tie-dye’ liberal than most of the potheads that attended Woodstock… we’ll have to wait and see if some semblance of Justice is actually served in this caper… so don’t get your hopes up.)
Hyannis News will provide updates as they become available.
Robert Bastille,
P.S. The following is for all the downtrodden and poverty stricken who actually manage to keep their pants on and stay out of trouble… may your situations someday improve! God bless. (press play…)