*** WATCH *** Dogs and their owners escape early morning structure fire in Sandwich…
SANDWICH – Four dogs and their owners safely escaped on their own as crews responded to a structure fire shortly after midnight this morning. The fire happened at 31 Grove Street. The first Sandwich Firefighters on scene confirmed smoke inside the residence, asking dispatch for a working fire assignment. The fire came in as a large amount of black smoke in the basement. Firefighters charged lines and entered the building.
As you will see in the following HN Video, firefighters had their hands full attempting to track down and extinguish the source of the smoke.
The Sandwich FD Deputy Chief in charge of the fireground requested an investigator from the Fire Marshal’s Office to help determine the cause. In a brief conversation with HN, Deputy Chief Timothy McMahon related that the fire initially appears to have been caused by an electrical issue, but he was calling the Fire Marshal’s Office just to be sure.
The owner’s and their dog’s were offered Red Cross services but they had already made arrangements to stay elsewhere until their home is made habitable again.
There were no reported injuries to firefighters or civilians. And all four dogs also escaped safe and sound.